Elizabetha Kessler ~ George Nollert
Michael Kessler ~ Anna B. Schrank

Margaret's maiden name was Nollart/Nollert, but information in the will of George Nollart (Chester Co., PA, May 11, 1768.
June 12, 1770) lists a daughter Margaret Isinminger, as well as her siblings, Margaret Elizabeth, Philip, Elizabeth and Catherine--The
same names appear among the children of Margaret Iseminger. Also, a Philip Nollert/Nolbert was a signee/witness on Frederick
Iseminger's will. (info obtained from Sara Abbott (abbot@magicnet.net) 12/17/99)
Additional information from Sara Abbott (1/2001): She has found some evidence that the John Stone that was listed with
Philip Nollert as "highest relation" was the husband of Elisabeth Nollert Stone, who was mentioned in Joh. George
Nollert's will. There is also a Joh. Gg. Nollert in Schoenau, Wuertemberg, Germany at the right time to be ours. There was
also a Gg. Phil. Nollert, master baker. Our Joh. Gg. was a baker. The Gg. Phil. ws still there in the 1760s, but he could
be a brother, or even a father. Most Nollerts can be traced back to the Schoenau area. Also, Schoenau is about 20 miles north
of Eppingen, and Bretten is about 20 miles south of Eppingen, where Freidrich Eisenmenger emigrated from.
Here is a citation of the will of Johan Georg NOLLART:
WILL: Wills; Chester Co., Pennsylvania; Books D & E; 1755-1767 (Bk D), 1767-1774 (Bk E); FHL# 20,845; Bk E, p197-8;
(p197) George NOLLARTs Will; In the year of Our Lord One thousand seven hundred and sixty eight the eleventh day of May I
George NOLLART of the Township of East Whiteland in the County of Chester in the Province of Pennsylvania Baker being weak
of Body but of Sound & perfect mind and memory thanks be given unto Almighty God therefore calling to mind the mortality
of this my Earthly Tabernacle that it (no "is" in original) appointed for all men once to die do hereby humbly beseech
Almighty God to accept of my immortal Soul unto his holy Habitation of rest and peace and as for the worldly Estate wherewith
he has been pleased to bless me with al (SIC) I will and dispose thereof in manner following First of all and in the first
of all I recommend my Body to the Earth to be buried in a Christian like manner at the discretion of my Executor hereinafter
named hoping for a glorious resurrection thereof at the Last day to appear and receive his merciful reward. First I will that
all my just debts and funeral charges shall be paid off and discharged. Item It is my will and I do order that all my Worldly
Goods Chattles and Estate shall be at the sole disposal of my dearly beloved Wife Elizabeth NOLLART during her natural Life
and whatever shall remain thereof at her decease her decent burial etc. I will that the said remainder shall be equally divided
between my then surviving Children viz Margaret ISINMINGER Margaret Elizabeth PETERS Elizabeth STONE Philip NOLLART and Catherina
FROTHRE share and share alike with these Exceptions only that the share of my said Daughter Margaret Elizabeth PETERS to be
put and secured in the hand of the Executors of the Estate of her first or former Husband Andrew HAY late of Germantown deceased
to be disposed of by them for sole use benefit and behoof of her my said Daughter Margaret Elizabeth PETERS and her children
begotten of her Body by the said Andrew HAY And also on account of my said Son Philip NOLLART seeing I have already contributed
heretofore on his acct to the value of five pounds. Ten shillings lawful Currency it is my will and I do hereby order that
the said sum of five pounds ten shillings shall be deducted of of his said Equal share and to be added to whatever share of
my Estate, being to come out of her said Mothers Equal share may become the property of my Grand-Daughter Elizabeth HAY and
to be deposited in the hand of the said Executors to her said Fathers Andrew HAYes Estate for her the said Elizabeth HAYs
sole use. And I do hereby constitute and appoint my dearly beloved Wife Elizabeth NOLLART to be the Sole Executrix of this
my last Will and Testament (p198) Testament revoking and utterly disannuling all former and other Wills and Legacies by me
heretofor made either in word or writing ratifying and confirming this and no Other to be my Last Will and the day of the
date first above written. --- George NOLLART (seal); wit: John TEMPLETON, Jacob ERNEST, Henry ATHERTON; recorded: 12 Jun 1770;
Elizabeth NOLLART appointed sole Esecutrix; Recorded by H. H. GRAHAM, D. Regr.
From Michael Iseminger